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Editors Letter

Aparna HegdeChair, Publications Committee
Dear Spotlight Readers,
In a blink of the eye, half of 2024 has almost trotted by. The 49th annual meeting of our beloved organization is almost here. I, like everyone else in our community, am looking forward to a week of learning about the recent advances in the field, getting inspired by the wonderful research on display and meeting dear friends from all over the world including my mentors.
This issue of the IUGA Spotlight has been divided into two parts:
- Part 1 is a continuation of the focus on Urodynamics from our last issue. This is a very practical, educational section in which we have asked international experts to share urodynamics graphs of the studies they have performed on their own patients, from the simple to the difficult and provide an analysis. We hope that this will be of interest to the students among us and the practicing urogynecologists who would like to better understand interpretation of Urodynamics test results. This is in keeping with our attempt to make the Spotlight a valuable resource for our readers that helps them provide better care for their patients.
- In part 2, we have an eclectic collection of articles. Dr. Nikhil Khattar, a well-known urologist from New Delhi with expertise in female urethroplasty answers the critical question regarding the impact of urethroplasty on the continence mechanism in women. Our hardworking Chief Editors of the International Urogynecology Journal, Dr. Maria Bortolini and Dr. Kaevan Bessler follow with a piece on the progress of our beloved journal and their goals for the future. In the ‘Cochrane Corner’ Dr. Manidip Pal, an esteemed member of the Publications Committee provides an overview of the Cochrane review on the effectiveness of single incision slings published in October 2023. Then we have an article by the Chair of the IUGA Fellows, Trainees and Early and Early Career Professionals Committee, Dr. Yu Hwee Tan detailing the excellent work of the committee. We then pivot to a piece by Dr. Hannah Krause on the practical considerations for sustainable surgery in limited-resource regions. We end part 2 with two important contributions: Dr. Rajamaheshwari, our renowned Chair of the Education Committee, writes about the work of the Education Committee since she took over. Lastly, in the ‘Know Your Board Member’, we have a fun chat with Dr. Anna Rosamilia, our beloved Vice-President.
This issue was an exciting one to create. I hope it is an equally exciting one for you to read. I thank my hardworking Committee members for their support in bringing this to you. I would also like to thank our Committee Manager, Sarah Mackenzie, for her constant good cheer, wonderful attitude, and hard work. Lastly, the calm guidance and constant encouragement of our Board liaison, Dr. Jorge Haddad, is much appreciated. Happy reading!