IUGA Webinar: Making the Transition From Trainee to Early Career Professional

Mark your calendar to join us June 12 at 7:00pm UTC for the live broadcast of the IUGA Webinar: Making the Transition From Trainee to Early Career Professional. Hosted by Debjyoti Karmakar with special guests Wenche Klerkx from the Netherlands and Gans Thiagamoorthy from the UK, the webinar will focus on helping trainees make the transition to independent consultants by focusing on strategies to cope with the fear of working independently and unique challenges that a consultant faces (as compared to being a trainee).

Dial in instructions will be available one week prior to the webinar. Can't join us for the live broadcast? No worries, the recording of the webinar will be available on the IUGA Academy!

We invite you to submit questions to be addressed during the webinar to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject "Question for the webinar".