The program of the IUGA International Symposium on Global Pelvic Health has been composed by:

Doctor Degree in Obstetric and Gynecology/UFRGS-Brazil
Master in Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation / University of Barcelona-Spain
Master in Rehabilitation Science/ UFCSPA-Brazil
Specialist in Women’s Health - CREFITO
Specialist in Human Sexuality - SBRASH
Coordinator of Pelvic Floor Post Graduation - Faculdade Inspirar Porto Alegre/Brazil
Director of the School of Physiotherapy ICS
Board Member of FIUGA
Member of the publication committee of IUGA

Dr Keng Ng is a Consultant Urological Surgeon based in London, United Kingdom. He was awarded the Clifford Morson Medal at The Institute of Urology London for his thesis work on urodynamics and bladder dysfunction. His specialty interests include interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome and female urinary incontinence surgery.
He is currently Chair of IUGA SIG in Neuro-urogynecology and Urogenital Pain.

Angie has been working in the Urogynaecology Department at King’s College Hospital since 2007 and is currently the lead nurse / nurse cystoscopist. She is actively involved in research and was awarded a PhD in Urogynaecology in 2019 investigating sexual function in women with overactive bladder. In 2019 Angie was also awarded RCN credentialing for advanced level nursing practice.
To date she has published over 45 articles in peer reviewed journals and has written book chapters and contributed to National guidelines. As well as her clinical and research activities she provides advice to governmental bodies including NHS England and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG’s) throughout the UK. She is the current chair of the Nursing and Midwifery special interest group within IUGA.

Researcher Assistant at the Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Univesity
PhD candidate in Nursing Obstetrics and Gynecology/ Marmara University
Master’s in Nursing Obstetrics and Gynecology / Marmara University
Bachelor’s in Nursing/ Ege University
Member of of IUGA
Research Area: Urinary Incontinence, Pelvic Floor Health, Sexual function in women with Urinary Incontinence.

Cristine Homsi Jorge is a Women´s Health Physiotherapist (PhD), Associate Professor at Ribeirão Preto Medical School (University of São Paulo). She was the founder and the first President of the Brazilian Association of Women´s Health Physiotherapy. Her teaching and research focus is Women’s Health with a special interest in pelvic floor muscle function and dysfunctions and she has supervised many Master and PhD students. She is currently Editor in Chief of the Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, scientific director of the Brazilian Association of Women´s Health Physiotherapy and the Vice-President of the International Organization of Pelvic and Women’s Health Physiotherapists.

Lizzie is an enthusiastic advocate for women's perinatal health, and works at Plymouth UHNT. For the past 5 years she has been at the forefront of developing a new framework for perineal trauma prevention and postnatal care. She is a mum of two beautiful daughters and lives in the South West between the rugged moors and glorious sea.
Lizzie has over 18years midwifery experience. She’s had the privilege of being involved with many families giving birth in everything from the homebirth team to their high risk unit. She is now a Perineal Specialist Midwife and a firm believer that Midwifery, Physiotherapy and Gynaecology should overlap more than they historically have.
Lizzie is the midwifery lead for the OASI2 care bundle with the RCOG and RCM. Seeking to implement research from academic papers to the women the evidence serves.
Lizzie designs and delivers training in suturing, prevention of trauma to trainees, midwifery and obstetric colleagues, and empowers women in how they can improve their perinatal pelvic health. She recently had her first co-authored paper published in Dec 2020, and hopes to raise the standards of teaching for our future midwives and reduce the social taboo around pelvic trauma.

Susana Mustafa-Mikhail is a Subspecialist in Urogynaecology and Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Galilee Medical Center and Nazareth Hospital EMMS, Israel. Affiliated to the Bar- Ilan University in which she is involved in lecturing and education of medical students at the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine.
She completed her medical training and OBGYN residency in Isarel. Prior to moving to Brisbane Australia to complete a fellowship program. During 2017 to 2019 she was a subspecialty trainee in urogynaecology under the auspices of Professor Christopher Maher at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital.
She is a member of the Israeli Urogynecology society since 2022, head of the scientific committee organizing the national conferences and workshops. She is also the program director for OBGYN residents at the department of the Galilee Medical Center.
She is a consultant in a busy urogynaecology unit at Galilee Medical Center and Nazareth Hospital EMMS, with a large clinical workload, dealing with complex Urogynaecological problems, performing various and complex surgeries, involved in clinical and basic science research. Mentoring junior doctors and medical students. She was awarded the excellent lecturer award from Bar-Ilan University.