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In This Newsletter
Recognizing Our Volunteers
Thank You!
We depend on our member volunteers to carry out the mission and work of IUGA. As we near the end of the year, we want to recognize and thank a number of members who have helped shape IUGA into the great organization that it is!
First, we would like to recognize two board members who are rotating off the board at the end of December. These valued members of our IUGA family have provided insight, encouragement, support, guidance, and countless hours of volunteer service to IUGA.

Lynsey HaywardVice President 2015-2016
President 2017-2018
Immediate Past President 2019-2020
President 2017-2018
Immediate Past President 2019-2020

Sylvia Botros-BreyTreasurer 2017-2020
We also thank Kaven Baessler and Carlos Rondini for their service representing urogynecology interests in their regions on the International Advisory Board, and Maria Augusta Bortolini for leading the Scientific Committee and development of our fantastic, first-ever virtual Annual Meeting.

Kaven Baessler IAB Representative, Europe 2018-2020

Maria Augusta BortoliniScientific Committee Chair 2019-2020

Carlos RondiniIAB Representative, Latin America & the Caribbean 2018-2020
Finally, we thank the following committee members who are rotating off their respective committees at the end of December. IUGA Committees are the working machines that move the field of urogynecology forward through projects and initiatives. We are grateful to these members for their ideas and involvement.
Education Committee
- Luiz Gustavo Brito (Subcommittee Chair)
- Howard Goldman (Subcommittee Chair)
- Rami Ibrahim
- Margaret McDougald
- Javier Pizarro-Berdichevsky
Fellows, Trainees & Early Career Professionals Committee
- Debjyoti Karmakar
- James Manning
- Jerome Melon
- Aiste Ugianskiene
Membership Committee
- Carolyn Swenson
Nominating Committee
- Heinz Kölbl
- Tsia-Shu Lo
- Anna Rosamilia
Publications Committee
- Abdelmageed Abdelrahman
- Amos Adelowo
- Elise De
- Laura Didomizio
- Ervin Kocjancic
- Helena Luginbuehl
- Ruben Trochez
Public Relations Committee
- Aethele Khunda
- Sarita Narang
- Hikaru Tomoe
Scientific Committee
- Vivian Aguilar
- Huub van der Vaart
Terminology & Standardization Committee
- Martin Huser
- Alfa Meutia
- Lisa Prodigalidad
- Vivian Sung
- Lan Zan